Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wow, I haven't blogged since I first got here, that is sad. Sorry everyone, blogging apparently wasn't my favorite thing to sit down and do. I journal daily so that is where all my writing goes to. As an intern I am suppose to journal and read my bible everyday. We are reading the whole Old Testament. I am in Ezra now. I actually really like reading, I just have to make myself sit down and read.
Since I haven't posted for a long time I am trying to think of how I have changed and what I have learned since I have been here. I know a lot of my mindset has been on how what I can learn to take home and share with the youth group. I try and write everything down and remember what I feel my girls and the youth need to know. For a while I was in a stage of realizing how much God loves us, how much He loves me. It was really cool and now I have lots of verses marked of God's love for us. I also learned that what God says or prophecies over us will come true, His word never fails. In knowing this I should have faith that what He has planned for my life will not fail to come true so I shouldn't worry and just trust God. Easier said than done but it has been a good revelation for me. Especially since my leader told me about what he sees in my future, teaching and preaching to others and being a leader and whatnot. When he told me all of this and had everyone pray for me I got so excited! I was like my dream for my future is really going to happen! Who knows when or how I am going to get there but I know that I can and I will. : ) I feel like my faith has strengthened and has been stretched in a few different directions. I have learned so much more about our God that I had never learned before. I have learned more about the power of the Holy Spirit and about the gifts that God gives us. I am excited about learning everything here and almost even more excited for when I go home and really put it all to the test. Though I know going home with be difficult and a challenge, I think it will be a true test for me and for what I have learned here.
Well I am going to try and blog more for my last month here since I have really not done any this entire time. I have lots of pictures up on Facebook also.
Love From Near and Far,
Amanda Larson